Local girls in Kish

June 22, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Kish Local girlsLocal Girls Kish island has two main parts for living. one is city centre and the other one is called Saffein, which is located almost in the north west of the island. Long ago the residents of Saffein area were mostly arabs but now a days a lot of modern building has been built in this area and it welcomes new immigrants. Although the majority of this area is very like other part of the island but still in some corners of it you can find local people that dress differently and are bilingual. 

I was holding my camera, hoping for some good photos of sunset and tried to find a good place to unpack everything and start shooting. then I realized that a little girl who is on the right was trying to take my attention. by the time I looked into her eyes she ran away and this happened many times. the last time as she was running away I called her and asked if she wanted to pose for a photo. immediately she stopped, posed and waited for the shutter!! I took her photo but then she started running again asking me to follow her. She was playing with her friend and I caught them while there were hiding in the grasses. 

Local Girl I shoot many modelling photos but none of them were as easy as this one was. 

By the way I forgot to shoot the sunset that day and unfortunately I forgot to ask her name.


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از قديم نوشتن و ارتباط داشتن با مخاطب رو دوست داشتم. اينكه بنويسم چه اتفاقاتی افتاده يا در چه حالي هستم حتي يكجور تخليه ذهن بود و آرامش داشت. با اومدن تلگرام همه اينها به كانال تلگرام منتقل شد ولی بنظرم هنوز وبلاگ جايگاه خودشو داره.

آدرس كانال تلگرام اينه


ولي تلاش ميكنم اخبار اينجا رو هم  آپديت نگه دارم.



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