از قديم نوشتن و ارتباط داشتن با مخاطب رو دوست داشتم. اينكه بنويسم چه اتفاقاتی افتاده يا در چه حالي هستم حتي يكجور تخليه ذهن بود و آرامش داشت. با اومدن تلگرام همه اينها به كانال تلگرام منتقل شد ولی بنظرم هنوز وبلاگ جايگاه خودشو داره. آدرس كانال تلگرام اينه ولي تلاش ميكنم اخبار اينجا رو هم آپديت نگه دارم.
I've always enjoyed writing and connecting with my audience. Writing about what has happened or how I’m feeling was even a way to clear my mind and find peace. With the arrival of Telegram, all of that moved to my Telegram channel, but I still believe that blogs have their own place. The address for the Telegram channel is: But I’ll try to keep the news updated here as well.
Showing posts for 'Paris'. Clear search
The Seine River
September 23, 2013 - What you may not know about the Seine river is:
The river was a popular site for suicides and the disposal of bodies...
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Iran history in louver
August 30, 2013 - دیگه ملیت یه چیزیه که میره تو خونت هر جا هم که باشی یهو چیزی از ایران ببینی حتی اگر نخواهی هم توجهتو جلب میکنه
اینو گفت...
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Versailles Gardens
August 27, 2013 - اگر فقط یکبار دیگه برم اینجا قسم میخورم که وقتی موسیقی شروع به نواختن کرد با تمام سلولهای شنواییم گوش بدم
فقط خدا مید...
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Fontaines de la Concorde
August 09, 2013 - The Fontaines de la Concorde are two monumental fountains located in the Place de la Concorde in the center of Paris. Th...
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Panoramic view of the Eifel Tower
August 08, 2013 - It's been 2 years that I have been chosen to be istockphoto contributor. This means that I can upload and sell my photos...
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The waiting moment
July 21, 2013 - There are lot of moments in life that will pass and keep you waiting for God knows how long. The art is to make that wai...
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Little Resident of Paris
July 13, 2013 - I was walking on the Alexander bridge in Paris and of course looking everywhere except this little creature.
Suddenly I...
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